School wows Audience at World’s largest Drama Festival

7 years ago

On 10th November, pupils from a school in Reigate performed a Shakespeare play at the world’s largest youth drama festival.

Pupils Learn Circus Skills!

7 years ago

Pupils at Dunottar School in Reigate have been encouraged to learn new skills in an unusual way.

Dunottar School donates Carloads of Food to Loveworks

7 years ago

A school in Reigate has ditched uniforms for the day to donate to a foodbank.

Dunottar PTA Raises nearly £600 for MacMillan Cancer Support

7 years ago

The Parent Teacher Association of Dunottar School in Reigate managed to have their cake and eat it when they hosted…

New Headmaster encourages Pupils to think outside the Box

7 years ago

On Thursday 14th September, pupils, parents and staff from Dunottar School in Reigate enjoyed an inspirational speech at their annual…

Dunottar Teacher Ranked First Brit in World Championships

7 years ago

A teacher from a Reigate school took a sixth place finish at the World Icosathlon Championships in Belgium and is…

Dunottar Pupils thrilled with GCSE Success!

7 years ago

Year 11 pupils at Dunottar School in Reigate are today celebrating GCSE success with 94% grades at A*-C or 9-4.…

Dunottar School Students Celebrate A-Level Success

7 years ago

Staff and students at Dunottar School in Reigate are today celebrating a 100% A-Level pass rate, with more than half…

Fond Farewells to Founder of Dunottar Chamber Ensemble, who retires after 27 Years

7 years ago

On Saturday July 1st, Loraine Nagioff, who founded the critically acclaimed Dunottar Chamber Ensemble, retired after 27 years in this…

“I loved everything about it!” Pupils Showcase Talents in Arts Festival

7 years ago

Pupils at a school in Reigate have been enjoying three days off their timetabled lessons to develop their creative and…