Author: Gina Wiles

Orchestra Outreach Workshop for Local Primary School Pupils

6th February 23

At the end of January, the Dunottar Chamber Ensemble hosted an Orchestra Outreach Workshop. More than twenty children from local primary schools visited the school to learn and perform music from The Greatest Showman alongside some of our most experienced musicians. The pupils had a fantastic time, and Miss Channell and Miss Reynolds were very…

We Will Rock You Musical Masterclass for Year 5 Pupils

3rd February 23

Year 5 pupils from Micklefield Prep School were champions at our We Will Rock You Masterclass. With help from members of the cast, they learnt a song and the choreography to ‘We are the Champions’. We look forward to welcoming them back to our whole school musical spectacular in March. Tickets will be on sale…

Writer Dave Smith Delivers Workshop to Year Pupils 7 

1st February 23

On Tuesday 31st January, Year 7 pupils enjoyed a workshop run by feature writer, columnist and travel journalist Dave Smith. The focus of the workshop was nonfiction writing and presentational skills, which the year group has been studying this half term. The former stand-up comedian entertained the pupils with stories about his career in writing,…

Local Year 5 Pupils Enjoy Science Masterclass at Dunottar

31st January 23

On Tuesday 31st January, Year 5 pupils from local primary schools, Reigate Priory, Reigate Parish, Micklefield and St. John’s had their first taste of biology, chemistry and physics at secondary school through a carousel of exciting and thought-provoking activities. They were introduced to biology by looking at cheek cells under a microscope, chemistry through observing…

Royal Society of Chemistry’s Top of the Bench Competition

24th January 23

On 23rd January, pupils in Year 9 took part in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Top of the Bench competition. They completed a practical experiment and answered questioned based on this task.  Pupils utilised their practical skills and academic knowledge in chemical synthesis, identification and analysis. They demonstrated their ability to follow instructions independently, handle…

GCSE and A Level Trip to the Tate Modern

21st January 23

On Friday 20th January, our Art, Photography and 3-Dimensional Design pupils from Year 11 and 13 enjoyed a trip to the Tate Modern. This educational visit was designed to inspire the pupils and support the development of their ideas for their externally set assignment. The building itself is very impressive with new galleries and exhibits…

Year 7 Pupils Receive BookBuzz Books

30th November 22

Christmas has come early for the Year 7s who are all receiving their BookTrust BookBuzz books this week. At the start of September, pupils in Year 7 were able to choose one book from a shortlist to keep. Many of them found it quite difficult to choose just one, but the library will be stocking…

Sixth Form Pupils Attend “Psychology of Serial Killers” Lecture

24th November 22

On Tuesday 22nd November, a group of Sixth Form Psychology students attended a lecture on the psychology of serial killers at Dorking Halls, to expand their understanding of the subject outside of the classroom. The speaker, Jennifer Rees, a forensics expert, used case studies as evidence, which were incredibly interesting yet, at the same time,…

An Evening of Folklore and Fairytale at Waterstones

23rd November 22

On Monday, 21st November, the English department took nine Year 10 and 11 members of its two reading groups to Waterstones Piccadilly in London. English teacher Miss Marvin, who organised the enrichment trip, said: “The purpose of the trip was to celebrate some of the authors that we’ve been reading in our reading groups.” The…

Dunottar Performs “Much Ado About Nothing” at Coram Shakespeare Schools Festival

18th November 22

On 15th November 2022, the amazing cast of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ took to the stage at the Leatherhead Theatre for their comic sixties-inspired version of the well-known Shakespeare play.  Every year, thousands of young people from schools across the UK take part in the world’s largest youth drama festival. In preparation for their performance at the…

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Dunottar School
students roasting marshmallows on a fire
Year 7 2025 Open Morning

Year 7 Entry September 2025

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