Year 5 Pupils Bake up a Gingerbread Man Themed Treat!

1st February 21

Over the Christmas holidays, we invited Year 5 pupils in the local community to bake a show-stopping creation for a gingerbread man themed competition.

Inspired by The Gingerbread Man poem, pupils were asked to listen to the poem, read by the Head of Food & Nutrition, Annette French, and to incorporate the story into their designs.

Over 20 children entered, with many wonderful entries, which made the judging particularly challenging.

Four winners were selected on Tuesday 5th January -two for creativity and two for baking and presentation.

“It was our ambition to create a competition that would capture the imagination of year 5 pupils. We’ve been delighted with the quality and number of entries – it certainly brightened the beginning of my term!”

Annette French – Head of Food & Nutrition

In the Creativity category, the winner was Charlotte Mellington, who created a wonderful stop motion animation clip telling the story of her gingerbread man, with Daniel Potts awarded the runner up prize. In the Baking and Presentation category, the winner was Edward Stock, with Lilah Twohy awarded the runner up prize.

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Year 7 Entry September 2025

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