Dunottar School exterior


Access to Wifi

Visitors – for wireless access to the school’s Internet connection:

  1. Visitors must have signed and returned the school’s Visitors Code Of Conduct. Copies are available in the school office.
  2. Connect to the WiFi network PREPGuest. Password available from the school office.
  3. You need to install the school’s HTTPS inspection certificate or you will get security warnings on many web pages. On your device, enter the address for webpage https://theprep.org.uk/wifi and follow the instructions below as appropriate for your device.

For details of the monitoring and recording of usage of the school Wi-Fi, please refer to our IT Monitoring Privacy Notice.

Staff – for wireless access to the school’s Internet connection:

  1. You must have signed and returned the Staff IT Acceptable Use Agreement, and confirmed this to the IT Department.
  2. Connect to the WiFi network PREPStaffAndPupil. Log in with your school computer user name and password.
  3. You need to install the school’s HTTPS inspection certificate or you will get security warnings on many web pages. On your device, enter the address for webpage https://theprep.org.uk/wifi and follow the instructions below as appropriate for your device.

Certificate Setup - iPhone or iPad

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Dunottar School
students roasting marshmallows on a fire
Year 7 2025 Open Morning

Year 7 Entry September 2025

Looking to join Dunottar in September 2025? Book on to our next Open Morning on 19th September.

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