Students Have Opportunity to Design an App in National Competition

14th October 14

Year 9 students at Dunottar School in Reigate have been invited to enter a national competition to design an app. The winning app will be built and ready as a free download at the AppStore by the end of the academic year.
Students Have Opportunity to Design an App in National Competition

The #UnitedApp2015 competition is open to students in more than fifty United Learning secondary schools across the country.  The initiative encourages teenagers to be inventive, to push boundaries and to make an impact.

The aspiring app designers welcomed David Harkin, CEO of 7billionideas, an award-winning company that aims to connect people through promoting innovative and creative ideas. He challenged the students to generate an educational app idea that contributes to learning.  

The 10 finalists will have the chance to discuss their app ideas with industry experts at an exciting finals day in January at, an accounting software company.

Dominic Norrish, Group Director of Technology at United Learning, also attended the event.  

He said: “The United App 2015 project is a fantastic opportunity for students from across the Group to work with inspiring entrepreneurs and app designers in a collaborative and creative way. It’s the people with the best understanding of the problems who come up with the innovations of tomorrow.  That’s as true of education as any other sector, so I’m really excited to see what the collective brains of Year 9 can imagine!”

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