Country First with Unique Scholarship Programmes

19th January 15

A school in Reigate believes that it is the first school in the country to offer two completely new scholarships for sixth form students.
Country First with Unique Scholarship Programmes

Dunottar School is offering a Future Medics and a Future Entrepreneurs scholarship programme, which will start in September 2015.  Both programmes will offer significant fee discounts, and the co-educational school also has generous bursary provision.

Head teacher, Rowena Cole, commented: “We’re operating these scholarships to try and attract students who are already set on specific career pathways and will benefit enormously from the support we can offer. Our bursaries will enable students who couldn’t normally benefit from this specific support to join us.

“The scholars on both pathways will also stand out from the crowd when applying to university.”

The Future Medics programme is aimed at pupils who are interested in applying for medicine at university.  The successful scholars will have a medical mentor, and they will attend weekly seminars to discuss topics pertinent to medicine.  They will also receive bespoke university application support.

Mrs Cole said: “We believe that we are the first school in the country to provide a doctor as a mentor; this will help to inform the students’ understanding of the field.  We also have a new Chair of the Local Governing Body of Dunottar, Dr Rosalind Given-Wilson who, until the end of 2014, was Medical Director for St. Georges’s Hospital.  She is one of our many contacts for sourcing work experience in the holidays.”

Former student Helen Picton, Professor of Reproduction and Early Development, commented: “The new Future Medics scholarship is a great idea—it will provide tomorrow’s aspiring young doctors with an excellent opportunity to gain insights into their future profession.” 

The Scientific Director of The Leeds Centre for Reproductive Medicine added: “The mentoring approach and work experience gained will be invaluable in helping students from Dunottar stand out from the crowd and compete for places at the top Medical Schools.”

The Future Entrepreneurs pathway, aimed at budding entrepreneurs, is also believed to be the first in the country.

“The programme is unique because each scholar will enjoy the expertise of an established business mentor, who runs a business in a field that complements the student’s interests,” said Mrs Cole.  “The mentor will provide guidance and support to the students who will be expected to set up their own business.  The pupils will also experience a range of business roles through a varied work experience programme.”

Former student Antonia Rees-Brown runs two businesses in Reigate.  The director of fashion company Steamerlane and business support services company Stormcatcher commented: “The Future Entrepreneurs scholarship programme is an excellent initiative, recognising that running your own business is a legitimate career choice.

“It would have definitely better prepared me for the steep learning curve I have followed with my two businesses, not to mention the many—sometimes costly in both time and money—mistakes I have made along the way.


“I applaud the forward thinking that Dunottar is applying,” she added, “and wish the first scholars the very best of luck.”

“These are just two of many planned initiatives for sixth formers,” Mrs Cole said.  “We are recruiting more staff to the sixth form from September 2015 and, as part of United Learning, we are developing the resources to provide cutting-edge sixth-form provision.”

Students interested in applying for one of these scholarships should contact Dunottar School.  Tel: 01737 761945 or email


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