Dunottar Pupils Celebrate A-Level Success

10th August 21

Despite these challenging and uncertain times, Dunottar School pupils have done themselves proud this year with their A-level awards which reflect their hard work, academic ability, dedication and resilience over the past two years in the school’s excellent Sixth Form. Their results, confirmed today, highlight the benefits of Dunottar’s small teaching groups, personalised support and exceptional pastoral care.

This year’s A-level grades are unparalleled, with teacher-assessed grades replacing exams which were cancelled for a second consecutive year. In the absence of formal public exams, grades have been awarded based on a range of evidence meaning that pupils can move on to the next stage of their education, apprenticeship programme or career despite the disruption of the past two academic years.

Headmaster, Mr Mark Tottman, said: “I am very proud of our pupils’ achievements. They have risen to the challenges of the last two years positively and with tenacity. Our teachers have worked tirelessly to support pupils, inspiring them to perform to the best of their abilities. This is reflected in today’s A-Level awards, with every pupil holding a university offer gaining their first-choice university in a range of courses including Computing, Politics, History, Music and Drama. Additionally, some pupils have exciting plans for gap years, travel, apprenticeships and work. They all leave Dunottar wiser, more resilient and with the courage to make the most of their futures. I wish them all the best for the adventures ahead.”

Education, of course, is not just about qualifications and the Year 13 pupils leaving Dunottar’s popular Sixth Form have demonstrated true Warrior Learner spirit across all areas of school life: in co-curricular clubs and societies, sports, music and drama productions, as fundraisers and in leadership roles.

Pupil, Joseph Kerven, who was this year’s Head of School, gained A-levels in Geography, Physical Education, Psychology and is going to Exeter to study Ecology. He said, “Dunottar has supported me to reach my full potential. Everyone at Dunottar feels valued, we look out for each other and the wider community.  Teachers encourage us to build our self-confidence, take risks and believe in ourselves. I have really enjoyed the feeling of independence studying in the new Sixth Form Centre and have made memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.”

When Dunottar’s Class of 2021 joined Year 7 in 2014, times were also challenging and uncertain. The school was on the brink of closure with only 118 pupils on the roll.  Seven years later, Dunottar is a thriving co-educational school with 423 pupils.  Tatler magazine recently referred to Dunottar as “a secret Surrey star”, although its popularity suggests that the ‘secret’ is becoming well known.  Demand for places this September means that the school has had to increase its Year 7 intake to find room for an extra class-worth of pupils joining it from over 40 local schools.

Mr Mark Tottman said: “The pupils leaving us today have seen the school transformed in its popularity, its academic success and its ambition over the past 7 years. They have been a constant throughout this time.  As they have risen up the school, the part that this cohort of pupils has played has been vitally important and appreciated. We are bucking the trend of independent schools across the country by growing our numbers and expanding to embrace our popularity. We do not rest on our laurels, however, and we look forward to celebrating our pupils’ continued success next year and thereafter.”

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