Dunottar School performs to critical-acclaim at the Shakespeare Schools Festival

14th January 20

On 20th November 2019, a collective of over 30 Dunottar pupils, took to the stage in Leatherhead for the annual Shakespeare Schools Foundation Festival.

Performing a dynamic take on the romantic comedy, The Taming of the Shrew, pupils from years 7-13 worked collectively, supporting each other to embrace this celebration of the Bard, using the unique power of performance to develop self-esteem, literacy and teamwork skills.

To much acclaim, Dunottar School’s performance took an old-fashioned patriarchal story turning it on its head, reversing many of the genders and adapting the original to make it more relevant to a modern audience.

“This was a thought provoking, highly original and hilarious production of The Taming of the Shrew, with beautiful live music, and razor-sharp ensemble work. I think you should all be extremely proud of what you have achieved together. Congratulations on making The Taming of the Shrew so much more relevant to a modern audience, we loved it! Performing Shakespeare’s words on a professional stage takes bravery, resilience, and creativity. You should be immensely proud of what you and your teachers have achieved in this Season of Infinite Variety. I hope to see Dunottar School in the 2020 Festival!”

Ben Vardy – Shakespeare Schools Festival

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